All Soul’s Day 2016:  Simple Ways to Evict Spirits from your Home

As Benjamin Franklin said, “Fish and visitors stink after three days”.  This is especially true for the undead.  If any of your “Halloween visitors” seem keen on taking up residence, here are some things you can do.

  1. Take down your Halloween decorations.autumn-19672_640 Most guests know that when the party decorations start to come down, it’s time to go home.  The downside to this is that you can’t blame laziness when you try to reuse them as Christmas decorations next month.
  2. Perform grave maintenance. Decorate the grave with new flowers, removing any weeds and rain-ruined decorations.  Straightening up their home a bit might convince them to leave yours.
  3. If your “guests” still refuse to leave,retro-1291608_640 begin cleaning your home in the most disruptive way possible. Sweep all the rooms, bang pots and pans together as you reorganize your kitchen, fumigate the guest room with air freshener and incense, vacuum while they’re watching TV, and rearrange the furniture while they’re trying to relax.  This will either drive them off, or make the haunting worse.
  4. Tell the ghost to leave. For the ghosts that do not take subtle hints, this will probably be necessary.  If they are good-natured, they will be embarrassed that they did not pick up the hint when you were removing the Jack-o’-Lanterns from your porch.  Otherwise, Great-Aunt Jenny might complain to her undead bridge club about your disrespect to your elders and your lack of etiquette before threatening to write to an advice columnist from 60 years ago.  Hopefully it will blow over before next Halloween.
  5. In some families, the party doesn’t stopchurch-79607_640 until the police arrive. In this case, you may need professional help.  Hire an exorcist, go to the religious leader of your choice, or rope your most religious friend into getting rid of the ghost.
  6. Move.  If the exorcism doesn’t work, the house belongs to Uncle Jimbo now.  As well as whoever you can convince to buy it from you.

To any undead ancestors reading this, I’ll see you next year!

Now go home.

Posted November 2nd, 2016 by Admin
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2 Responses to “All Soul’s Day 2016:  Simple Ways to Evict Spirits from your Home”

Sue On November 3rd, 2016

I love this and all your posts!

kitty On November 4th, 2016

Great advice for spirits who won’t leave, but what do I do about in-laws?

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