Día de los Muertos 2015: Simple Ways to Celebrate

According to Mexican tradition, last night the ghosts of friends and family returned to visit the living. Here are some ways that you can welcome the spirits, and make them feel at home before they leave tomorrow night.

  1. Parades: Last night and during Día deday-of-the-dead-568012_640 los Muertos, many communities have parades to welcome the returning ghosts. Many of these parades are celebratory, featuring people painting their faces to resemble sugar skulls and dancing, cheering, and playing music. However, parades can also be more somber. Many organizations use Día detortillas-520808_640 los Muertos to protest lives lost to crime, warfare, and other social issues and carry pictures of people who have lost their lives in order to raise awareness.
  2. Ofrendas: Many families will build an alter at home or at church with pictures of their deceased friend or family members, decorating it with marigolds, candles, sugar skulls, favorite foods, and other things the person liked while they were alive.
  3. Visiting Graves: Many families spend Día de los Muertos picnicking in graveyards, bringing the deceased’s favorite foods and games and sharing stories about them. People also
    decorate the graves with flowers and leave offerings, such as food and belongings that the deceased liked while they were alive.

In many communities, Día de los Muertos allows people to celebrate the endless cycle of life and death and allows them to connect to loved ones that have passed on. We at Great Recession Living wish a happy Day of the Dead to you, as well as to any unexpected visitors you may have.

Posted November 1st, 2015 by Admin
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