Veteran’s Day 2015: Simple Ways to Celebrate

Veteran’s Day was originally set aside by President Woodrow Wilson to commemorate the November 11th armistice that ended the fighting between the United States and Germany during World War I. Today it is used as a national holiday to honor our veterans and commemorate the sacrifices they have made.

  1. If you have a veteran in your family,parade-752467_640 spend some time with them and let them know that you appreciate them. If distance separates you, pick up the phone and call them.
  2. Check to see if there are local events planned. Many communities have parades, exhibits, and other events scheduled to honor our veterans. Localmemorial-day-784267_640 VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) posts often host community events, so this might be a good time to look them up.
  3. Building memorials and decorating the graves of veterans who have passed on is another Veteran’s Day tradition observed by many families. Graves are typically decorated with flowers in patriotic colors and flags. Many people also visit monuments commemorating local squadrons and famous battles.
  4. Look up charities that support veterans as well as current soldiers. Many hospitals have programs that collect “Get Well” cards for wounded veterans. There are also several charities that send care packages and hand-knit clothing to soldiers overseas, such as Socks for Soldiers and Warmth for Warriors.
  5. Support programs that help veterans after they come home. VFW is a great organization that provides financial and educational benefits to returning veterans and lobbies for federal services that provide mental health services and permanent housing for homeless veterans.
Posted November 11th, 2015 by Admin
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