Thanksgiving 2016:  Simple Ways to Celebrate

Seeing as Thanksgiving is tomorrow, here is our list of recipes and decorations that can easily be incorporated into a meal (as well as some last-minute suggestions for those who tend to procrastinate).

  1. Whole Wheat Bread: Thanksgiving is aimg_3203 big baking holiday, so why not try baking a few loaves of your own?  Please note that baking bread is very time-consuming, so if you’re making this on Thanksgiving day you’ll either want to start very early or have a later dinner.  The good thing about making bread is that most of the time is waiting for it to either rise or bake, which will give you some down time to prepare other dishes.
  2. Khachapuri: Our original recipe takesimage some time to prepare, but if you’re in a hurry you can buy pre-made bread dough and use that to surround the cheese filling.  It will save you over 2 hours of preparation.
  3. Brown-Sugar Bacon: This sweetened bacon can easily be added to vegetable dishes, such as green beans or Brussel Sprouts.  Or, if you’re a maniac, you can even plaster the turkey with it.  The brown sugar should adhere the bacon to the turkey.  Just be sure to add it in the last 10-15 minutes, or else your turkey will be covered in charcoal.
  4. Purple Teriyaki: Beets are a fallIMG_2139 vegetable that taste really good with teriyaki sauce, and this dish’s bright color makes it great for a holiday spread.  Although our original recipe says to let the beets marinate in vinegar and salt, they will probably still be delicious if you skip this step and just boil them before cooking them in teriyaki sauce.
  5. For a simple decoration, try ourimage Thanksgiving Cornucopia. This can literally be put together in minutes.
  6. For another easy decoration, see the centerpiece we made in September.  This is also easy to put together and will add extra fall color to the room.
  7. At the end of the meal, don’t forget to save those turkey bones! Our Bare Bones Chicken Soup can easily be adapted for turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted November 23rd, 2016 by Admin
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